Friday, October 22, 2010
Friday, October 15, 2010
Sweater Blues
Monday, July 26, 2010
you know you're a knitter when....

2. your bag or purse has small needle holes
3. you start a new sweater when you haven't finished the old one
4. you have a project for almost every room of the house
5. You spend more on Yarn than you do on food sometimes
6. You think a $80 sweater (made by you) is perfectly reasonable
7. Your kids know that mommy needs her knitting time or she gets cranky
8. Your house is a black hole for tape measures (where do those little buggers go??)
10. You are an excellent multi-tasker
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Sunday, June 6, 2010
FO: Baby Quilt
Sunday, March 14, 2010
FO Finally Revealed

With the leftovers from the scarf, I make a quick little beanie hat (only took two days! love it). Pattern:
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
the courage to frog
What would you do?
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Fleece "Quilt"
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
The Yarn Predator
My Rainbow Ripple Afghan was moving happily along, until the above cat, my Bandit, got into my yarn. And I'm snowed in. Can you think of a worse situation for a yarnoholic on a mini-jag? So now I'm stuck with all the other projects which seem less enchanting, and no yarn for the Ripple, until the snow clears up a bit.
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
A yarny resolution
Then I read this post over at Green Apples:
And I thought to myself : Self, I think a resolution is in the works here. Not only should I stash bust, and buy only patterns that I would buy completed in the store, but I NEED to finish all these WIPs I have going. I have four going actively at the moment, I don't even want to know how many are hibernating.
Rainbow Ripple Afghan (using Attic24's Neat Ripple Pattern)
Lacy Panel Jacket for me
Autumn Lapghan for grandma
Plus there's one more, but I can't show it yet because the recipient reads this.
So there, I now have a yarny resolution for 2010
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Yeah, What else is new?
Oh, don't worry friends, and family, I'll still be making plenty of stuff for you. But in between all those things. I'll be working on this baby. Here's what I've done since the beginning of January:
Sorry for the bad lighting. I promise it's not electric blue. It's actually a nice sapphire color.
It's done!
Monday, January 25, 2010
Things to come
However, 2010 is going to be the year of not-quitting. So at the very minimum I'm going to finish the two blankies for my cousin's babies. I'm about half done with the first (as per my last post). And now, I'm putting my thoughts towards the second blanket. I figured that with twins they will get a gajillion matching things, so I'd make two blankets, in different colors and patterns. I think the second one is going to be a ripple blankie. I've never done it before but I saw Attic24's tute ( and it doesn't look so hard.
So.....IF I finish those,.....I was thinking....maybe I could even make the twins little shirts...something like... ? But we shall see.
Friday, January 22, 2010
Appetite Fatigue
But I've settled down a bit, and have mostly been working on a baby blanket. My cousin is due in 4 or 5 weeks with twin girls (!!) and I decided that I must make them crocheted blankets. So yarn was carefully selected for the first one, and I've been working away on it ever since.
Have you ever heard of Appetite Fatigue - where you get tired of eating the same old thing over and over again? Well, see - I think I have Appetite fatigue with this blanket. It's made with light wight yarn, and a small hook, and it's just plain rows of double crochet. What was I thinking? I must have been off my rocker! I've employed my husband to bribe me into finishing it. We'll see if it works. I think the worst part is, I'm still not sure if I like the color combination. One day I'll be sitting there thinking how cute, and clever it looks, and the next I'll think it looks like utter tacky trash. Do you ever feel that way about a project?
*cry* I just realized.......once I'm done....I'll have to make's for twins you know...oh dear...what have I gotten myself into??
**Note to self: next time you want to make a baby blanket - banish any yarn smaller than worsted weight from your mind, woman!**
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Rainbow-y goodness
The entire project was just a joy to make, and I was delighted to find that my crochet had improved markedly since the last time I'd attempted a scarf - the edges were straight and even this time.
I know I must sound boastful, but truly, I'm not trying. It's just been one of those wonderful things were everything seems to be going my way, and I have to tell everyone about it. Do you know what I mean? I love love LOVE this scarf, and I simply want to snuggle up in it and wear it everywhere.
Maybe this is a sign that I should make a rainbow blanket in the same colors? Hmmm...